Tuesday, October 7, 2008

So What Did I Do?

I decided to take the weekend off and try to collect my thoughts and as it turns out with two little girls to chase after I either don't have time to think or I just don't have a lot of thoughts. I know not very prophetic, but true. So I have decided to start posting my Words of Wisdom from an Ordinary Everyday Mom and will post new insights as they reveal themselves in brief flashes of brilliance to me. Ok it may be more like a glimmer at the end of a very long tunnel, but it is information none the less.

Words of Wisdom from and Ordinary Everyday Mom #1

No surface in a house is too high or too long for a curious and innovative .2.5 year old to surmount especially if there is something sweet, sharp or breakable to get to

A 5 month old can always time naps perfectly to end in a desperate need for attention the minute hot food is ready to be eaten.

Are these new ideas to mom's? No, but true none the less

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